Our Website Installer may help you configure your own personal or business site boasting its unique style and design right away. Just decide on the type of site you wish to launch and then simply decide on your layout from the rich collection of web themes and click on the installation button. Your brand–new web site will go on the Internet within seconds. With the login details we provide you with, it will be possible to easily submit photographs and place your own personal text with merely a click of the mouse. If you require help uploading your site or editing its information, just simply get a hold of our tech support department around the clock via the ticketing system.

You’ll find the Website Installer within the EU Web Space Site Control Panel that is included with each Linux website hosting packages, Linux VPS hosting, semi-dedicated hosting, and dedicated web hosting offer on our web store.

A Fast Webpage Installer

Publish your website with a click of the mouse

If you’re not proficient in site coding, it could be very hard for you to deal with a website setup without any help – unless you take advantage of easy–to–use web site creation applications just like EU Web Space’s instant Website Installer that’s incorporated into the Site Control Panel. To use the tool, you just need to choose a design and style theme for use on your website and after that set it up with merely a mouse click. No need to have any development expertise to kickstart your site. You can add unique webpages and add text and pictures with them really conveniently. If you do not like the adjustment you’ve made you can always undo it and repeat the process. It is all really easy to control.

Easy-to-use Website Installer

More than 200 Website Themes

More than 200 site templates are at hand

We have developed more than 200 distinctive web themes that can be used to your sites. Since we never have introduced these themes outside of our own Site Control Panel, exclusively the clients can easily make full use of them. The templates themselves are carefully produced to accommodate all sorts of sites – from private blogs and portfolio websites to web stores and graphic libraries.

We are regularly focusing on delivering completely new web templates as well.

200+ Free Templates

Get In Touch with Us round the clock for Help

Our customer support representatives are accessible around the clock

We’ve been in the web hosting sector for a long period now and also have a crew of competent engineers to guide you with any kind of challenge you may have with your website(s). Furthermore, you’re able to check our Commonly Asked Questions plus the amazing selection of step–by–step video tutorials that cover the quite often asked questions and provide solutions to the most popular difficulties. Using the 1–hour answer–back time guarantee that we reduce to 20 minutes in non–hectic hours, you’ll receive well–timed assistance at any time.

24/7 Support