Data Backups

Your web site content can be restored at any moment

No site is immunized against hacker attacks. Your site might be affected even by involuntary web site content deletion on your part. With our backup solution, we can easily restore all your web site content whenever you want. Apart from the day–to–day server backups that we’re carrying out, you can yourself create manual back–up copies of your web site content with a click using the File Manager, which is located in your Site Control Panel. Simply generate a compressed archive of the folder(s) that you’d like to manually back up and place it in a location of your preference.

Data Backups

Web Hosting Control Panel

Manage your sites with just a single click

It’s now easy to take total control of your websites with the forward–looking Site Control Panel that we’ve built for you with ease of use in mind. Adminsiter all the files with smooth drag & drop movements, register, transfer and manage multiple domain names from one single location, set up email box accounts in a jiffy, run mailing list campaigns easily, set up and access your own databases with one click, check site statistics in real time, and so on. Innovative tools like an .htaccess generator, a framework installer and a hotlink protection tool are on hand too.

Web Hosting Control Panel

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

We’ve utilized the newest cloud server technology when building our own hosting system, which is invulnerable to unexpected service interruptions and network outages. All of the services related to your website such as DNSs, e–mail messages, databases, applications, etc. are taken care of by different machines to ensure that even if there is an overload issue, your site will still be running hassle–free.

True Cloud Platform

Web Accelerators

Make your web sites extremely fast

With EU Web Space, you do not need to delete program code or to cut out your website’s content to make it open faster. By reason of the Site Acceleration Tools (Memcached, Varnish and Node.js) integrated into the Site Control Panel coming with every single cloud hosting package, you can make your site open faster than ever – you will be able to make it 10 to 500 times more quick!

Web Accelerators

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9 percent network uptime in the US, in the EU and in Australia

Keeping your web sites up and running around the clock is our chief concern. We have built our own website hosting system whereby the server load is being distributed evenly between a few hosting servers to make sure that all your websites will continue to be reachable online even if a given web hosting server is under stress. Our ninety–nine point nine percent server uptime guarantee is valid for all data center facilities that we work with – in the US, in Europe and in Australia.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

24x7 Support

Contact us 24/7/365

You can get in touch with us 24–7 with all the questions that you may have about our website hosting solutions. You may touch base with us via email and via the ticketing system and we’ll respond to you within maximum 60 minutes. Actually, our average response time is less than twenty minutes. Also, you can call us up or use the live support service during work hours.

24x7 Support

NVMe Drives

Quickly improve your web site’s loading speed

If you would like to give your website a performance boost, all you have to do is simply to host it with us. Our website hosting machines have NVMe drives, so on each physical machine you will take advantage of unparalleled read & write speeds, which will make your website faster than the speed of sound.

With the excellent online connectivity provided by each of our cloud hosting Datacenters, your website will start to load so much faster without the need for any extra modifications from you.

NVMe Drives


A safe web app firewall software

Protect your web applications (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etc.) against hack attacks thanks to ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a firewall program meant to protect web apps against hack assaults. We have configured the firewall in such a way as to block all widespread web site attacks immediately. By default, ModSecurity is activated for all hosts, but you can disable it for any site you would like.


VPN Access

Safe, private web site browsing

If you live in an area with stringent web surfing regulations but would like to explore the web as much as possible, we have a solution for you. With all our website hosting plans, you can obtain Virtual Private Network access and surf the Internet freely. All you need to do is set up a brand–new network with the detailes we offer then we’ll route all your inbound and outbound web traffic through one of our Virtual Private Network data centers.

VPN Access