An email filter is a software app that hinders unwanted email messages from entering a particular mailbox. A considerable percentage of the email communication around the globe is composed of spam messages: offers for pills or cash, fake bank notifications, and so on. Because of this, it’s extremely important to enable email filters to avoid not only spam messages, but also any possibility of being conned in some way. Spam filters detect various things, so as to provide better protection – certain words and phrases or the frequency with which they surface in the text, the sender’s email address, or the IP of the sender’s outgoing SMTP email server. Hosting providers frequently use the services of third-party spam-tracing organizations that provide up-to-date databases to render spam filtering better and easier without affecting genuine emails, even if they comprise suspicious words.

Spam Filters in Website Hosting

Our website hosting servers employ one of the best anti-spam filters out there. It’s called SpamAssassin and is included with every hosting package, so if you host your domains with us, you can opt for one of the five protection levels that the anti-spam filter offers for any mailbox that you have here. You can do this with just 2 clicks from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel that is used to manage all shared accounts. SpamAssassin analyzes the header field and the content of each and every email, calculates a spam score and then continues in accordance with the level that you’ve opted for. Each mailbox can have a different level and you can choose whether the emails that the anti-spam filter labels as spam should be deleted or redirected to another email address where you can review them later, so as to prevent deleting an authentic email message. Switching to a different level or disabling the spam protection is also pretty easy.

Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you reach the decision to use the email service that is offered with our semi-dedicated hosting, you can keep all undesired messages away from your inbox by activating the 5-level spam protection that we provide with every semi-dedicated plan. This can be done through the feature-laden Email Manager section of the hosting Control Panel and we use the powerful SpamAssassin spam filter to make certain that we offer the very best possible protection for our clients. You can have a different level of protection for each email account and you can select whether the filtered emails should be erased or redirected to some other mailbox where you can check them later to ensure that you will not lose authentic email messages. Switching to a different level or deactivating the anti-spam protection is also easy and requires several clicks of the mouse.