If you work with a script-driven application on your website and all of the content that you generate is stored in a database, your website hosting plan has to come with adequate database storage space, in order to make certain that even when your site grows, you will not experience any kind of difficulties as a consequence of the shortage of space. PostgreSQL is a good example of a well-known database control system which is used with numerous scalable web apps and if you want improved performance and stability for your website, it's more than likely that you will use this system. That being said, you'll need a website hosting plan that will not restrict your web presence, particularly if you need to operate multiple sites and each of them works with PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Website Hosting

We supply a number of Linux website hosting packages to offer you a chance to acquire the features that you actually need and not pay extra for options that you'll never use. That is why, the PostgreSQL storage space is an additional upgrade that you can easily add from your Hepsia Control Panel for some of the plans; with others you'll receive a pre-defined allowance, while with the top plans you receive unlimited database storage space. Since you can easily switch among the packages or upgrade specific attributes, you can start with a lower-end one then upgrade if you need to host PostgreSQL-driven websites. Of course, in case you would like to launch such a site from the very beginning, you'll be able to select the most appropriate plan which has PostgreSQL support by default.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you get one of our semi-dedicated hosting, you can run PostgreSQL websites without having to worry that you'll reach any sort of restriction for the size of your databases, for the simple fact that there isn't such a restriction. With our cloud hosting platform, a dedicated cluster of servers handles the databases, which means that in case additional computing power or database storage is required at any time, we simply link additional servers or hard disk drives. In contrast to many other suppliers, we do not run everything on the same server. Our plans are very powerful and allow you to operate heavy, resource-consuming sites, so we have made sure that the PostgreSQL database storage attribute matches all the rest of the capabilities. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel that is included with the semi-dedicated accounts will allow you to see the size of each PostgreSQL database you have as well as the full size of all the databases, but these numbers will be available solely for your own information.