It's not unusual for lots of users to use weak passwords considering that they're less difficult to remember or to use scripts, templates and plug-ins which aren't updated for a long time. In either of these instances, it will not be a challenge for a hacker to take control of the website and immediately after that to take control of other sites which may be hosted within the same account. In order to prevent this kind of a scenario, we've added an efficient security option called JailHost. It limits the access that a script has just to its own folder, so if one of your websites is compromised, the attacker will see its content, but won't be able to access any other content inside your account, which means that the damage will be minimal. Of course, employing JailHost doesn't substitute the safety measures you must always take by keeping your scripts up-to-date and using long and complex passwords, but it'll help you to limit any damage to one site only.

JailHost in Website Hosting

You can take advantage of JailHost with every single website hosting plan that we provide and protect your Internet sites against attacks quick and easy. Each domain and subdomain in the Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with our packages has a different folder and contrary to what often happens with other Control Panels, the site content is not mixed up in just a single main folder, so maintaining your Internet sites separate is quite easy. Allowing JailHost for any site takes just a few clicks, so even if you do not have much experience, you will not need any special skills to be able to keep your Internet sites protected. The option isn't active by default in case that you want to use a script that requires accessibility to an additional folder in your account. In case you use JailHost, the remaining websites that you have will be secured, but even a hacked one won't remain affected for long because we will have several daily backups for it all of the time, so that we could easily restore it.

JailHost in Semi-dedicated Hosting

In case you have a semi-dedicated hosting account, you can activate JailHost with a couple of clicks from your Hepsia Control Panel since we have included this feature in all of our semi-dedicated plans. It is not active by default because you might use an application that requires accessibility to other folders inside the account and JailHost could potentially cause problems, but you'll be able to protect all other Internet sites by isolating them from one another. This will be simple and easy as in Hepsia all domains and subdomains have separate folders. In comparison, numerous other Control Panels save the content of multiple Internet sites in subfolders under a primary domain, so a single hacked site there will mean that all of them will be hacked. With Hepsia, only one website could get damaged and even in such a circumstance, we can quickly restore it using the multiple daily backups which we will keep, so you can go ahead and update it after that so as to protect it from potential future intrusions.