Whenever you upload a file on a web hosting server, it will take a certain amount of storage space on the hard drive dependent on its particular overall size. When you manage a script-driven internet site which keeps its information in a database, it will require more disk space, the more people use it. To give an example, if you have a discussion forum, the greater amount of responses people share, the larger the database gets. Emails, in particular ones having attachments, also require some disk space in the site hosting account. The HDD space quota you will get with your website hosting supplier is the overall amount of information you can have at any moment, which incorporates site files, e-mails and databases. Likewise, a computer has a hard drive and the programs installed on it and all the documents and / or music files that you make or download require some space, which cannot exceed the overall capacity of your hard disk drive.

Disk Space in Website Hosting

To match the processing performance behind our cloud website hosting packages, we've considered and implemented the perfect option regarding the disk space - your hosting account is not generated using one server, but using a cluster system. Therefore, what we've made is an entire collection of servers which is focused on the file storing only, therefore you should never be worried about running out of hard disk space and having to switch to an alternative server as your present one can't accommodate more content. Any time an additional space is required, we attach extra machines to our cluster, so that the disk space is unlimited. Needless to say, our Linux website hosting packages are intended to be used for web sites, not for a collection of large files. We have different machines for the databases as well as the e-mails.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a feature only to stress that it is truly unrestricted. We were able to make that happen with the help of an innovative, in-house made cloud hosting platform, where your databases, emails and files are stored on separate clusters of servers. We can easily add extra hard drives or entire servers to all of the clusters and whenever necessary, and what's more our hosting Control Panel is designed to support this type of platform. In comparison, the majority of Control Panels on the website hosting market can work only on one server, and irrespective of what a large number of providers advertise, they really generate multiple accounts on a single machine. Employing a semi-dedicated server package from our company, you'll never have to concern yourself with hard disk space restrictions and you'll be able to focus on expanding your web sites.

Disk Space in VPS Hosting

With all of our Linux VPS hosting, we provide you with ample disk space for your content that matches all of the other server capabilities, consequently a more expensive package has a higher allowance. You'll be able to use the space as you see fit, since there are no pre-defined quotas for the site files, databases or emails - all of them share the total disk space of the server. However, in case you'd rather have some limitations, you're able to buy your VPS plan with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, and then you will be able to set up website hosting accounts with a limited volume of hard disk storage for every single domain that you host on the server. If you'd like to have additional storage at some time, you are able to easily update your plan with a few mouse-clicks and the additional characteristics will be added to your current account, so that you won't have to migrate anything and your web sites will remain operational.

Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting

Our dedicated web hosting come with numerous hard drives so as to match the processing power that you will get, so you'll never have to worry about running out of hard disk storage. The drives can operate in RAID, this means that a drive can function as a copy of another to make sure that all your information will always be secured, alternatively it can be used on its own for even larger complete storage capacity. Hundreds of gigabytes of hard disk space will be available all the time, thus you'll be able to operate enormous sites, upload big files and even back up your personal archive. Since a dedicated server is the most powerful form of web hosting, you can upload/download files with extremely fast speeds. When necessary, we also give you the option to add more hard drives and use even further storage space for your data. We provide 3 hosting Control Panels with the dedicated servers - when you use Hepsia, all your domains will share the entire server space and they will be operated in a single place, while with cPanel and DirectAdmin you will have the possibility to generate individual website hosting accounts with pre-selected disk space allocations for every single domain hosted on your server.