A backup of an Internet site is a copy of its content, that's kept on another hosting server and can be restored if something happens. This option is very handy, given that you can never know if a script update will not crash or if you won't erase something unintentionally - a file, a folder, a database entry, and so on. If your site is backed up, it can be restored the way it was until the problem appeared, so there will not be any damage, or at least it'll be little, depending on the particular situation. Keeping backups on your PC isn't very feasible, since you would have to do it at least once per day and you could still lose information in case your last backup is not recent enough. In this light, you'll have to rely on your web hosting provider, so you have to double-check their policy on the backups, given that some companies generate backups once each week, that will do no good if a problem occurs with an Internet site that's being used and updated constantly, such as an online store, for example.

Daily Data Back-up in Website Hosting

If you order any of the website hosting packages we provide, you could take full advantage of the backup feature featured with our packages by default and without extra cost. We will produce a copy of your files and databases not once, but a minimum of 4 times daily, so each time a problem appears on your website for whatever reason, we will quickly restore everything, and in the worst scenario, your website will be restored the way it was just a few hours ago. There are 2 ways for a backup to be restored - you could contact us with a support ticket and we will do what’s needed on our end within an hour, or you could directly copy the information from the backup to the live website folder from the File Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, where you will find each of the backups which have been produced listed in chronological order.

Daily Data Back-up in Semi-dedicated Hosting

As part of our semi-dedicated server packages, we produce everyday backup copies of all the sites and databases created on our sophisticated web hosting platform. Moreover, this happens at least 4 times a day, so you could forget about the old and frequently worthless backups that most hosting companies offer. You shall be able to check out the backup folders in the File Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with the semi-dedicated accounts. It will take only a few clicks to copy the backed-up content to the domain folder where you want it and the saved version of your website will be live right away. Needless to say, if you are not sure what you should do, you may always open a trouble ticket and request a backup from a particular time and date to be restored by our technical support crew. By using our services, you will never have to be worried about losing precious information, no matter what.