The very best loading speeds for your personal web sites with the U.S.A., Canada as well as Latin America

We incorporate top–class VPS Hosting solutions along with a state–of–the–art USA located datacenter based in downtown Chicago, Illinois, to guarantee the greatest website loading speed for your customers in the USA, Canada or Latin America.

The Colohouse data center delivers total redundancy in network connectivity and power and currently serves several of the main telecommunications providers in North America. Which means that, here you will discover great hosting conditions for your demanding sites and apps.

You can employ the USA located datacenter by picking it on the sign up form right after you’ve selected your VPS hosting offer. Our qualified administrators are going to set–up the server for you and they will configure an Linux Distribution of your liking. They are onsite 24x7 to guarantee a 99.9% network uptime and will carry out every–week offsite backups of your respective VPS.

Other US Hosting Services

The Virtual Private Servers are not the only hosting service featured in our USA located datacenter. There you will also find Linux website hosting packages packs, semi–dedicated servers as well as dedicated servers.

The USA Located Website Hosting service is a very good option for any personal website, portfolio site and relatively popular web–store. Our Linux website hosting packages plans feature a 99.9% server uptime guarantee, a 100% free domain name registration and the no charge Site Control Panel.

Our USA Located Linux Semi-dedicated Hosting Packages are suitable for people who want something more powerful than only a Linux website hosting packages account, and don’t desire to cope with any sort of server administration tasks. Our semi–dedicated servers include ample CPU usage and MySQL database space allocations, driving them to be perfect for CPU–intensive web sites.

The USA Located Linux Dedicated Servers Hosting Packages are definitely the ultimate web hosting solution. With an entire server readily available, it is easy to host almost any web site or app, from a mailing script for your email promotions to the corporate and business web site with countless monthly viewers. The dedicated servers are secured by a 99.9% network uptime guarantee in addition to a 24/7 technical support service.